

Additional modalities (activations/alignments) designed to further support the New Human on the New Earth

*Those marked with a red asterisk denotes they are offered both as a client session OR can be taught – as a student,
you may learn how to give these activations to friends/family/clients.
There are no prerequisites to learning how to give these activations to others.

In Phases I to VIII of the EMF Balancing Technique® a foundation was established for the reframing of your reality

and a greater responsibility was assumed for your chosen attributes of mastery in everyday life.
Then in Phases IX to XIII as a Universal human, you further enhanced the
co-creation of Wholeness, Oneness and Freedom in your life.
NOW you are ready to become more of who you are as a multidimensional being;
you are ready to know and express your new ways of being, thinking and doing… and be fully present on the planet.
.Let us tune to the new frequencies that are within you AND all around you!

As with the classic XIII Phases of the EMF work, all of these additional modalities stand alone,
but also complement, strengthen and amplify each other.
And as with the classic XIII Phases of the EMF work,
these additional modalities lend themselves perfectly to Distance Sessions
They are listed here in no particular order of primacy, and likewise may be experienced in any order one chooses.

Here is the resonance of each…


Teacher of Teachers – A Master Activation Series
(2 separate sessions/activations in this series)
For everyone…. Open to all.. There are no prerequisites
Activate the frequency of the Teacher of Teachers! This is the beginning of an era when evolutionaries will teach by example and even though you may not think of yourself as a teacher, you will set an example by activating and elevating your unique Teacher of Teachers resonance in your daily life. Everyone can benefit from this activation. This activation will accelerate your growth and help yourself and others to become more aware of the brilliant frequency and unique spark of universal light and energy we all are.
Session/Activation #1: YOUR unique spark of the Great Evolution
Session/Activation #2: THEIR unique spark of the Great Evolution


*Core Wisdom and Freedom Spirals – A Master Activation Series
(3 separate sessions/activations in this series)
This activation series opens new frequencies (freedom spirals) within your lattice, as we enter a new part of the ‘one field’ and integrate (with) the vast new ocean of energy.

Session/Activation #1: Core Intelligence & Intuition Freedom Spirals
Strengthen your core intelligence and intuition by activating freedom spirals within and around your lattice.
Session/Activation #2: Evolving Potentials & Freedom Spirals
Co-create the energy patterns of empowered new “potentials” by raising the frequencies of the fibres in the front of your Lattice.
Session/Activation #3: Evolving Foundations & Freedom Spirals
Co-create the energy patterns of your “history” by raising the frequencies of the fibres in the back of your Lattice. This frees us from limits of old energy patterns and history that has kept you in cycles of limited belief.


*The Lattice Evolves! 8 Gates – A Master Activation Series
(3 separate sessions/activations in this series)
Three sets of 8 Gates within your Lattice are activated and opened during these three separate activations. These 24 Gates open the pathways to a balanced, empowered, new understanding and expression of your personal, collective, and universal consciousness, enabling fuller integration into the multidimensional experience of who you are beyond 3D.

Who will you be and what will you choose to do when the 8 Gates of these sessions are activated within your Lattice?  The answer is … within you.

Session/Activation #1:    Universal Ancestry (First set of 8 Gates)
As we activate the first 8 Gates of Universal Ancestry, we connect the energies of our birth family in this lifetime with the energies of our cultural ancestry, our ancestry of Earth, and our ancestry of the universe. This assists in shedding any pre-existing beliefs, so we have full access to and support from our ancestral resources.
Session/Activation #2:    Universal DNA & Evolutionary Consciousness (Second set of 8 Gates)
Your DNA is more than genetic codes, it is records of information that shapes your reality. The 8 Gates activated in this session bring to light your deepest beliefs encoded in your DNA, and provide the opportunity for you to write and activate new codes of your choice!
Session/Activation #3: Universal Hearts of Gold Go Bold!! (Third set of 8 Gates)
The 8 gates activated in this session are an invitation to embrace your life completely and wholeheartedly, with great courage and wisdom. Wholeheartedness gives birth to courage and wisdom, foundational attributes for living multidimensionally day to day and co-creating at this level. You also are ready to be you … wise, wholehearted, multidimensional you.

*The Universal Field, Unique & United – A Master Activation Series
(3 separate sessions/activations in this series)
In the Great Evolution we are now ready to enhance and empower our extraordinary abilities to communicate throughout the Universal Field – the 1 Field.

Session/Activation #1: YOU Are the Universal Field
This activation opens many new opportunities to know your distinctive multidimensional self as the Universal Field. You are encouraged to affirm “I AM the Universal Field”. May you continue to discover just how unique YOU are!

Session/Activation #2: WE Are the Universal Field
This activation focuses on how to co-create the potentials available to our collective family of humanity. You are encouraged to affirm “WE are the Universal Field”. May you continue to discover just how united WE are!

Session/Activation #3: INTENTIONS in the Energy of Infinite Love
This activation provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics of intention in the energy of infinite love in this time of the great evolution. When expressing your intention we honour the “pinnacle moment” as and when the universal field responds to all the divine details of your intention together. WE may now know and experience a new sense of oneness, as we really are “Unique and United” in the Universal Field!


EMF Express: (1 session containing 13 alignments)
Built on the powerful and elegant pillars of the EMF Balancing Technique®, the EMF Express energy is here to help us infuse with our multidimensional intelligence. Each of the 13 alignments begins with the question “What enlightened or evolutionary state of being (emotion) do you choose to express in your daily life?” Each activation engages the physical body with your emotion/state of choice, amplifying deep coherence and activating codes of light and energy. 

#1 Express Inspiration – Crown Center
#2 Express Intuition and Intellect – Rings of Energy around the head
#3 Express Wisdom – Heart of the Inner Eye
#4 Express Communication – Back of neck and throat
#5 Express Infinite Love – Heart and High Heart Centers
#6 Express Sense of Self – Heart of the Solar Plexus
#7 Express Empowerment – Hips
#8 Express Adaptability – Knees, calves, & feet
#9 Express Balance & Healing – Whole Body
#10 Express Giving & Receiving – Hands
#11 Express Remedy – Honor, Clear, Balance, Heal
#12 Express Quantum Activation – Core Energy
#13 Express Phoenix Postures  – Heart Centered Presence & Wild Wisdom


*Tuning the Templates of New Balance:
(12 separate sessions focusing on each set of templates listed below)

The 36 templates are part of your energy field and are octahedrons of light and energy. Like our fingerprints, each octahedron is filled with codes/symbols unique to you. Each octahedron receives and transmits energy, creating balance and coherence as you open new channels within your own being for clearer communication with your innate intelligence. The templates resonate with the new frequencies of the master number 44 that is appropriate for humanity at this time.

The focus is to access more of your Innate Intelligence in daily life by activating your unique symbol/codes of light within your sacred templates/DNA. As you tune your sacred templates the ever-ascending energy within your Lattice (energy field) responds to the guidance of your Innate Intelligence. You are in good hands – yours!!

Session #1: Template #1                      My awakened Mind Tuned to My Heart Centered Intelligence
Session #2: Template #2                      Tuning My Innate Senses of Self-Support and Self-Direction
Session #3: Templates #3 and 4         “As Above So Below” Radiating my Tuned Core Energies
Session #4: Template #5                      My Energetic Potential Innately Tuned to the 44
Session #5:Template #6                      My Innate Intelligence Tuned to Infinite Love
Session #6:Templates #7 and 8          My Innate Intelligence Tuned to Infinite Compassion
Session #7:Templates #9 and 10        My Innate Intelligence Tuned to Infinite Presence
Session #8:Template #11                     My Innate Intelligence Tuned to Infinite Wisdom
Session #9:Template #12                     I AM a Universal Human Tuned in My Innate Intelligence
Session #10:Templates #13 to 20         I AM Innate Intelligence as a Mother/Father Archetype
Session #11:Templates #21 to 31          I AM the Universal Beloved in Innate Intelligence
Session #12:Templates #32 to 36         I AM the Transforming Evolutionary in Innate Intelligence


Reflections: (1 session/activation)
This session offers energy alignments to assist you to manifest the changes and the intentions you choose as an evolutionary being. We begin with a Statement of Focused Intent (SOFI) of your choice. From a quantum perspective through the lens of your lattice, you will see clearly how you are using your energy.

The Benefits of a Reflections session are:
~Clarity in mastering the direction of your energy to create clear intention.
~Focus and insight in knowing how to manifest your intention.
~Inspired motivation as you consider and choose the actions to empower your intention.
~Knowing when to be still and when to take action.
~Deeper wisdom as you learn to consciously draw from your history and your experience(s).
~Personal evolution as you choose attributes of mastery to express/practice in your daily life as you give life to, and support your intention.


Heart of the Universal Human: (1 session/activation)
For each of us our heart is the centre of our universe. This activation of the Heart of the Universal Human initiates new levels of light and energy within the heart, high heart, crown, 3rd eye and the solar plexus of the Universal Human. Balancing intuition and intellect, you may express more of your heart centered intelligence, presence and wisdom as a wise whole-hearted human! This activation also increases the radiating of the light and energy already developed within the centres of your heart, high heart and crown. There is a new bandwidth of emotions and wisdom within the Heart of the Universal Human. It is time for a quantum leap in the energy of infinite love and infinite intelligence within your being.


Universal Mind Fusion: (1 session/activation)
This session amplifies and activates the new dynamics of the relationship and interface between your personal Universal Calibration Lattice® and the Universal Field. This activation and alignment will support your connection to the new frequencies/universal field in a state of deep coherence. This session will infuse the new frequencies through all of your energy centres and your Universal Calibration Lattice® will respond according to your innate wisdom.

The focus of this session is in co-creating new ways to express who you are now in a higher resonance of understanding, and riding the universal waves of energy in balance and joy.  Let us tune to the new frequencies that are within you AND all around you!

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