Welcome to Good Heavens page 2. We trust you’ll also find the following Q&As both interesting and informative. There’s even a list of questions with just a yes or no answer (which you’ll never get from a politician). And there’s also a few questions for you the viewer to answer. 

Q. What about some more photos from your physical heyday.
A. I have hardly any unfortunately. It never really occurred to me to have lots of photos taken at the time. However, here’s an old B&W photo (or half an old photo anyway) that’s been sitting in my desk drawer for decades. Before you judge, keep in mind there were no anabolic steroids in those days – at least we never knew about them – and no super-advanced nutritional supplements, so it was all completely ‘au natural’.
I often wonder what I would have looked like if I’d been on roids (but so glad I wasn’t). Who knows, I may have even given the Incredible Hulk a run for his money.

Q. Allen, do you mind telling me where all the questions on your site come from?
A. I don’t mind at all. From nearly 30 years of courses and workshops, lightworker meetings, my personal counselling practice in the Sydney CBD and a seemingly endless stream of email questions from visitors to our website… so many in fact, and with every one deserving of my care and attention, it left little time for anything else. Sadly, because of this, I had no choice but to eventually put a stop to them.
But as you can see, I haven’t forgotten them. They’re still somewhere in my head and my heart.

Q. This might be difficult as there must be a zillion books of this type out there, but is there just one that comes to mind that you would recommend I buy for a friend that shows – even if it’s in the form of an allegory – how it all truly works from a metaphysical/spiritual point of view? I don’t want anything religious and I don’t want fluffy new age and I don’t want anything overly zealous or unnecessarily complicated. I just want to give my friend the homespun truth – for want of a better way of describing it.
Yes, there is just one that comes to mind. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (including the rediscovered Part Four) by Richard Bach.

Q. Have you ever suffered from depression?
A. Yes I have, but thankfully not the duality-based “clinical” depression. What I’ve experienced is what we call “Spiritual” depression, which is one of the notorious awakening / ascension symptoms.

We have a page on the website devoted to this subject called “Rhapsody in Blue”. Here’s an excerpt…

“Spiritual depression is still very much intrinsic to the awakening or ascension process. It is really not possible to change from one reality system to another, to go through a true and complete and indeed unprecedented spiritual transformation from a duality-based human to a New Energy Divine human, without experiencing at least some of the now infamous ‘awakening symptoms’… and especially spiritual depression.”

Regarding “clinical” depression, back in 2006 the former Reserve Bank of Australia governor told an audience of financiers:
“That [clinical] depression should be such a widespread problem in a period of such apparent affluence reminds us, of course, that there is much more to life than the mere material. The entire point of economic activity is to provide the basics, to lift everyone’s standard of living, and to provide the resources we need to indulge those “ultimately more valuable” non-material pursuits that provide meaning, happiness and health.” 
He was saying of course that there’s more to life than stressing one’s self trying to keep up with the Joneses – referring to the comparison to one’s friend or neighbour as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of money and material goods – which can lead even the seemingly most balanced person, if they’re not careful, down the path to depression.

As you can see, the two types of depression, “spiritual” and “clinical” are unrelated and have vastly different origins.

Q. All of us on the New Energy path know that reincarnation is a fact… whether one believes it is or not. So Allen, what do you feel your next life here could be largely about? Would it be continuing on with the lightworking and New Energy teaching or could it be something entirely different?
A. Neither, because I’m not coming back. Although I don’t know exactly what I’ll be doing or where I’ll be doing it, I know that it won’t be here. And how do I know that? The same way that you know you’re in love. You simply know. This is validated whenever a channelled entity like Kryon says at a seminar… “For some of you this is your last lifetime on earth, and you know it”. I always tear up after hearing that, and for me a flood of tears is my way of ‘knowing’ that I have just heard the truth.

Q. When you use the word ‘lightworker’ or talk about ‘shining the light’, what do you actually mean by ‘light’? I must admit when Kryon uses the analogy of the Lighthouse to describe the work of Lightworkers, I get even more confused.
A. The ‘Light’ is the Light of consciousness; the energy created as a result of high consciousness, or high vibrations of consciousness. The Lighthouse metaphor is used because of the ‘illumination’ commonality. What the lighthouse and the lightworker also have in common when shining the light is… a silent honour and respect for the free choice of each human. Lightworking is not crusading and it is not proselytizing. It is not evangelism. It’s far grander and it’s far more powerful than all that.

Q. It was quite a few years ago now, but I clearly remember seeing somewhere on your site a list of questions all of which had just a yes or no answer. I absolutely loved your simplicity with this. Could you do some more?
A. I’ll meet you half way. Seeing as you enjoyed those particular Q&As, and seeing that quite a few years have now passed, I’ll give you a good handful from that original (and perennial) list. But I’ll also throw in a couple of new ones… when they come to me. I’ve had so many questions thrown at me over the years that it may take a while to recall them.
Q. Is there any form of punishment (by God) after death for wrong-doing or what the church calls sin?
A. No.
Q. Do you think that God sits in judgement of us humans? Do you think that God cares if we do good or bad things?
A. No (and No).
Q. Do you think that people who pray in the traditional religious way (beseech/supplicate) are ultimately talking to themselves?
A. Yes.
Q. Can enlightenment actually be ‘transferred’ from a guru to a follower or devotee?
A. No.
Q. Do you think we will end up destroying each other and the world with nuclear weapons?
A. No.
Q. Is it wrong to love someone of the same sex?
A. No.
Q. Can great (classical) music heal?
A. Yes.
Q. Can certain music like heavy metal be damaging to us in any way?
A. Yes.
Q. On our journey from duality to Oneness, do we reach a stage where we lose our individuality or sense of self?
A. No.
Q. Do you think that we’ll see world-wide religious accord within our lifetime?
A. No.
Q. There is now conclusive evidence that the catholic hierarchy covered up child sexual abuse and moved abusive priests to other parishes where sexual abuse, at times severe and sustained, continued on unabated for years. Is it possible to imagine anything more heinous and heartbreaking? 
A. No.

Q. Can one become enlightened, or reach this new ‘ascension status’ without ever doing traditional meditation or any of the various spiritual practices that fill the New Age magazines and expos?
A. Yes.
Q. Can reading the right books help us to grow in awareness?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you believe there’s such a thing as an evil spirit or force, or an objective evil power (like Satan) that is contrary to God?
A. No.
Q. I can’t tell you how many books and channels I’ve read over the years, not to mention all the pricey courses and seminars, yet sometimes I can’t help but wonder… ‘Is this just all crap or what?’ Do you think it’s wrong of me to think like that?
A. No.
Q. Of the entire crop of current world leaders, are there any in your opinion who are truly enlightened, or rather, New Energy enlightened?
A. No.

Q. I’ve always struggled with my excess weight until I finally came to realize that my overweight problem was actually emotionally based and not a physical or diet thing. Do you believe that emotional issues account for a lot of overweight problems?
A. Yes.

Q. I enjoy doing Yoga occasionally, but unlike some of my ever-so-spiritual friends I don’t believe that Yoga is necessarily more ‘spiritual’ than weight-training? Do you think it is?
A. No.
Q. Do you think the New Energy will ultimately end up changing everything including our political, religious, educational, health and financial systems?
A. Yes.
Q. I’m finding my tolerance for bullshit (excuse the term) and the almost total lack of integrity in the world to be almost zero. I’ve read where this is one sign of a higher vibration. Is that true?
A. Yes.
Q. I realise that our mass media news is all pure duality (and usually ‘bad’ because ‘good’ doesn’t sell), but do you think it’s still a good idea to have an overview of world events?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you believe that all the people who die in natural disasters like floods etc have actually chosen at a soul level to go?
A. Yes.
Q. I’ve read that having very strong religious beliefs like ‘Jesus is my lord and saviour’ can create real problems and make things very difficult for anyone going through the death transition. Do you agree?
A. Yes.
Q. I totally agree with you that ‘psychic’ does not automatically mean ‘enlightened’, but do you agree that there are still some genuine psychics around with unusual gifts of seeing things?
A. Yes.
Q. This is really hard for me to admit, but a couple of times when things have become unbearably difficult I seriously thought about suicide. Would you say that’s wrong or a weakness of character on my part?
A. No.
Q. How would you describe what it’s like to be in the New Energy to someone in duality, or is it impossible to describe?
A. Yes it’s impossible. (Sorry, that’s three words)
Q. Because our soul (which is us) is eternal and consciousness is never extinguished, I can’t see how there can be a so-called  ‘supreme sacrifice’ like laying down one’s life for one’s country. Do you agree?
A. Yes.
Q. This is really a question for my (adorable but overly protective) partner who I will make sure reads your answer. Is it important for me to have some time alone occasionally and to be in my own space?
A. Yes
Q. I’ve been asked by a very sceptical friend of mine to prove to him once and for all that God exists. I never know what to say, so can you help me out with giving this proof?
A. No.
Q. Do you believe that allopathic medical doctors are always the very best people to give us advice on health – like nutrition, exercise and lifestyle?
A. No.
Q. Do you believe that priests and other religious leaders (including the Supreme Pontiff) would be the best people to talk to about the true nature of God?
A. No.
Q. Do you believe that we are our own master through eternity?
A. Yes.
And lastly, a few questions for you the reader to answer. Have fun.
Are you a small part of something so big that it’s altogether beyond comprehension,
or is the whole of creation inside you?
Magnetic fields [around planets] are very significant
to human biology and DNA, and directly affect spiritual consciousness.
So then, complete this statement:
‘The farther that the magnetic field is aligned from the axis of the planetary spin, the more… ‘
Did the universe come into existence with one creative event – our scientists “big bang”,
or were there many creative events spaced over a great amount of time?
Where is the centre of the universe?
Many great teachers have said that God is all-knowing and has
all the answers. We only need to ask… ‘God, what is it that I need to know right now?’
Other great teachers have said that God doesn’t have all the answers at all;
that God learns as we learn, and only knows what we know.
Who is right?
Which climate is more conducive to enlightenment –
close to the equator or towards the poles?
And why?
Some of the simplest creatures in nature can regenerate lost limbs
but the most advanced entities on the planet (humans) can’t.
Is there a reason for this?
St. Francis of Assisi said that what we are looking for is what is looking.
What did he mean?
Why are we humans here on earth?
Where did the New Energy actually come from?
What’s the difference between hope and trust?
Do you believe what you experience
or do you experience what you believe?
What is the difference between true faith and blind faith?
Why is it that the younger your soul age is
(younger in wisdom and experience)
the more likely you are to win the lotto?
And last, a little question we all need to constantly ask ourselves –
a reality-check on our REAL spiritual progress into the New Energy…
“Would I be only too happy to live in a world where every person
was as honest as I am and where everyone’s word was as good as mine?”
Q. I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but have you ever had other people – religious, spiritual or secular, criticize or disagree with what you say on your website?
A. Yes I have been asked this before, and this is the answer I gave back then… which doesn’t need changing now…
‘Over the years only one or two, which was not at all unexpected. There was always going to be a clash between the old energy and the New. New Energy Humans will always encounter a degree of resistance and vexation, or even full-on violent opposition (as Einstein would say) in some cases from old energy gurus, lightworkers, spiritual masters etc. In fact the inveterate old energy spiritual fraternity, which by the way includes some very well-known authors and teachers as well as some not so well known self-appointed messiahs (yes, such whackos do exist believe it or not), seems to have nearly as much trouble with the New Energy as religion does… and believe me, that’s saying something. Maybe it’s because they feel threatened in some way or feel they’re being left behind or something. Perhaps it’s because, like love, New Energy can’t be defined or structured or organized or analysed – at least not in old energy terms – and that frustrates them no end. Perhaps they’re just hooked on duality’s illusions and spellbound in the old… or in the “New Age”. Who knows.’
Q. You’ve said somewhere in your teachings that there is no such thing as an accident and there is no such thing as a victim. I find that quite impossible to accept. Where is the logic and reasoning behind that? Telling people that would not, I imagine, be the best way to make friends.
. You’d be absolutely right about the friendship thing. I first learnt about ‘accidents and victims’ from the Seth material, which over time I have come to have great respect for. Here is what Seth has said on the subject… including the logic and reasoning:
If you accept the possibility of the slightest, smallest, most insignificant accident, then indeed you open a Pandora’s Box, for logically, there cannot be simply one small accident, but a universe in which accidents are not the exception but the rule.
Once you accept that idea, then if you follow your thought completely enough, you must accept the idea of a random accidental universe, in which you are at the mercy of any accident and all random happenings. In that universe, the individual has little hope, and has little control over his destiny, for it can be swept aside at any point by random fate, over which he has no recourse.
The only answer to all this is to realise that you form physical events, individually and en masse. And as I have said time and time again, you form the physical reality that you know. I admit that this sounds too simple, but you will not be caught in an earthquake if you do not want to be; and no one dies who has not decided to do so. If you come down with the flu, or with a virus, it is no accident. If you have a chronic physical difficulty, it is no accident. If you cut your finger, it is no accident. Likewise, if you are creative, it is no accident. If lovely things happen to you, it is no accident. If you get good news, it is no accident.
You make (create) your own reality – or you do not. And if you do not, then you are everywhere a victim, and the miraculous picture you have seen of your body came accidentally into creation, and out of some cosmic accident attained its miraculous complexity. And that body was formed so beautifully for no reason except to be a victim. A group of atoms and molecules were accidentally sparked into consciousness and song and then will return to the chaos from which they came.
That is the only other alternative to forming your own reality. You cannot have a universe in between. It’s a universe formed WITH a reason or WITHOUT a reason. And in a universe of reason, there are no victims.
Everything has a reason, or nothing has a reason.
So which is it?

Q. You’ve said in one of your Heavy Duty Q&As that when the Pleiadians came here from the Seven Sisters star system to implant our divine DNA and change our seed biology, they got here instantly by ‘willing’ themselves here. My question is… how did they manage to travel ‘instantly’? Isn’t that impossible?

A. Apparently not. As Kryon has said… ‘Not long ago, if you wanted to communicate to someone far away, you sent a letter. It was carried by a horse. It took a month to get a response. Now you communicate instantly!’

If someone a hundred years ago had said that we would soon be communicating instantly, you would have thought they were mad… would you not? In fact, you would have thought they were mad about a whole lot of things that we simply take for granted today. Remember, as we are now in the New Energy, we need to prepare ourselves for the previously impossible. In a very few lifetimes we’ll be able to wish ourselves anywhere, because as Kryon has said, in the quantum age we’ll be entangled with everything. No more lift-offs into space in super-expensive metal cans… which in the cosmic scheme of things, take us almost nowhere. The Pleiadians must be laughing their heads off.


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