EMF Balancing Technique® Training Programs

Now  in over 70 Countries Around the World
The EMF Balancing Technique is a part of the course curriculums
at the Institute of Integrative Psychology in Russia,
and the Reidman International College of Alternative Therapies in Israel.

The Personal Growth Program and
The Accredited Practitioner Training
for Phases I-IV
(Evolution of Consciousness)

There are two EMF training programs – The Personal Growth Program for those who are simply (and very importantly) interested in their own personal growth, and The Accredited Practitioner Training for those who seek the very highest level of professionalism in energy work.

The two programs are identical in content except for an additional and mandatory internship of 3 to 12 months (at your own pace) for the Accredited Practitioner Training. Upon satisfactory completion of the Internship the newly Accredited Practitioner is then licensed to perform the sessions professionally.

Hi Debbie
“Just a quick note to say THANK YOU SO MUCH
for the beautiful sessions this week.
Since doing the UCL workshop with you
I really feel so much more connected with self,
even though I have lots ‘coming at me’ from different directions etc,
I find I am able to centre myself very quickly.
Thank you for teaching me and sharing with me and helping me on my journey.
You are a blessing in my life.”
Leonie, Sydney, Australia

For Training Schedule CLICK HERE

Phases I-IV ‘Evolution of Consciousness’
Duration: 6 days
Prerequisite: None – open to all

The Personal Growth Program is open to all who wish to understand more about their unique electromagnetic nature and strengthen their connection to the Universal Energy Source. The training  dramatically increases our “energetic sensitivity and intuition” and also accelerates our own personal growth/evolutionary process. This is accomplished by having a hands on experience of the first four phases of the EMF Balancing Technique® with students both receiving and performing each of the four EMF phases during the training. 

Learning how to guide and allow the subtle flow of electromagnetic energy to balance the energy patterns of the recipient, also balances our own energy patterns.

The training moves quickly because it provides each student with a direct alignment with the New Energy, and the instruction is concise. The movements are graceful and easy to learn. All students receive detailed training manuals that enable them to perform the sessions on friends and family*.

*The Personal Growth Program is not a Certification training. Graduates are not licensed to perform the sessions professionally, use the trademark or represent themselves as an EMF Balancing Technique Practitioner. This course is a prerequisite to becoming an Accredited EMF Practitioner. The Personal Growth Program is taught exclusively by EMF Balancing Technique Supervisory Teachers.

The Personal Growth Program consists of:

• Day 1: Universal Calibration Lattice Workshop
• Days 2-6: Phases I-IV Training

  Day 1: The Universal Calibration Lattice® (UCL) Workshop
Personal Growth Program (Day 1)
Duration: 1 day
Prerequisite: None – open to all

This 1-day workshop stands alone as a valuable experience. It is also the first step in the Personal Growth Program and the first step to becoming an EMF Balancing Technique® Accredited Practitioner.

Human consciousness is evolving and that evolution is reflected within our energy anatomy. The Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL), a system within the energy anatomy, is radiating from the very core of our being.

This workshop is an experiential introduction to the understanding of how the UCL impacts our consciousness and our ability to co-create our most enlightened life. There is definitely more to life than meets the eye!

To view a 3D animation
on the Universal Calibration Lattice

A fast paced and informative overview of the Universal Calibration Lattice, what it looks like and how it works.

Understand the calibration process and the new dynamics of energy. You can apply this information in a practical way to enhance your individual growth and accelerate your evolution. Become aware of and recalibrate common dynamics of energy!

An afternoon of activity and energetic alignments honoring your unique pattern of wholeness.
Learn the Alternating Sweep, an exercise of clear co-creation. Practice transmitting energy across the room or around the world. Learn to give and receive an empowering loving and nurturing EMF Balancing Technique® Introductory Energy Session.

Key Learning Points:
The Theory of the Universal Calibration Lattice
Theory of the Spiral Sweep
Theory of Sacred Templates
The Alternating Sweep
The Send Symbol
The One Minute One Step Rush
The Introductory Energy Session
Moving Energy with Your Eyes

What You Will Be Able to Do:
The Spiral Sweep
The Alternating Sweep
Directing Energy with the One Minute One Step Rush
Give An Introductory Energy Session
Moving Energy With Your Eyes Exercise
Send Energy with the Send Symbol – Across a Room or Across the World

   Day 2:  Phase I – Wisdom and Emotions
Phase I balances the head and the heart, resulting in stress reduction and an energy pattern of freedom and well being. This session releases stress and enforces a new pattern of freedom and well-being. Feel the energetic balance, and nurture the connection between the head and the heart. Involves verbal permission from the recipient to participate in and allow the healing process.

Key Learning Points:
The Theory of the Arc Alignment
The Arc Meditation/Exercise
Client Interaction (Client Welcome and Pictorial Review of Phases I-IV).
Observe a video demonstration of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique®, give a full Phase I session.
Observe your teacher outline a Phase I session on a white board or flip chart
How to give a Phase I session
Energy Session Review at the end of the day

Key Experience:
The Arc Meditation/Exercise
The Arc Alignment
Receive a Phase I session
Observe a Phase I session
Give a Phase I session

What You Will Be Able to Do:
The Arc Meditation/Exercise
Give a Phase I session

   Day 3: Phase II – Self Direction and Support
This session gracefully releases the energy blockage of old emotional issues and promotes awareness of your Personal Empowerment Prism.This session encourages you to see your history as being supportive in your growth, no longer an anchor that holds you back.
Gracefully releases emotional issues. The resulting new perspective promotes awareness of direction and support from within the Self, making more energy available to you now.

Key Learning Points:
The Theory of Phase II
Observe a video demonstration of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique® give a full Phase II session
Observe your teacher outline a Phase II session on a white board or flip chart.
How to give a Phase II session
Energy Session Review at the end of the day.

Key Experience:
Receive a Phase II session
Observe a Phase II session
Give a Phase II session

What You Will Be Able To Do:
Give a Phase II session

   Day 4: Phase III – Radiate Core Energy
Radiating of the core energy allows your inner wisdom to manifest more frequently in your daily life. Being aware of your core energy encourages you to stand in your truth.
Allows the knowing from within to become more frequent. Aligns energy centers, allowing greater expression through the heart center. Hold your core of power in daily life.

Key Learning Points:
The Theory of Phase III
The Theory of the Infinity Express
The Infinity Express- I REMEMBER I AM Meditation
The Theory of the Orbital Sweep Energy Exercise
The Orbital Sweep Energy Exercise
Observe a video demonstration of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique® give a full Phase III session
Observe your teacher outline a Phase III session on a white board or flip chart.
How to give a Phase III session
Energy Session Review at the end of the day

Key Experience:
The Infinity Express Meditation – I REMEMBER I AM
The Orbital Sweep Energy Exercise
Receive a Phase III session
Give a Phase III session

What You Will Be Able to Do:
Practice Your Mastery from Core Energy
The Orbital Sweep Energy Exercise
Give a Phase III Session

   Day 5: Phase IV Part One – Energetic Accomplishment
In this “final” balancing, a connection and communication with your future self is established through the Future Potential Prism, allowing future potential energy into the manifestation of present reality. Balance through the Future Potential Prism, a dynamic, creative connection and communication with future self.

Key Learning Points:
The Theory of Phase IV
Meditation Potential You
The Co-Creative Cycle
Business Practices
Combination Sessions
Distance Sessions
EMF Guiding Principles
Accredited Practitioner Internship Overview

Key Experience:
Meditation Potential You
Experience A Phase I Distance Session
Give a Phase I Distance Session

What You Will Be Able to Do:
A Distance Session

   Day 6: Phase IV – Part II

Key Learning Points:
The UCL and Light Template Review – Phase I-IV
Observe a video demonstration of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique® give a full Phase IV session
Observe your teacher outline a Phase IV session on a white board or flip chart
How to give a Phase IV session
Energy Session Review at the end of the day

Key Experience:
Receive a Phase IV session
Observe a Phase IV session
Give a Phase IV session

What You Will Be Able To Do:
A Phase IV session

Phases I-IV ‘Evolution of Consciousness’
Duration: 3 months to 1 year – learn at your own pace
Prerequisite: Completion of Personal Growth Program

For those seeking the highest level of professionalism in energy work, there is the EMF Balancing Technique® Accredited Practitioner Internship. During the Internship, proficiency in the movements is demonstrated, and the intern is personally coached in a series of consultations with the Supervisory Teacher. Many or all of the requirements for the Internship can be fulfilled in your own home area. Upon satisfactory completion of the Internship the newly Accredited Practitioner is licensed to perform the sessions professionally. The EMF Balancing Technique® Internship prepares and qualifies you to offer nine different energy sessions including distance and combination sessions. These EMF sessions will complement and strengthen any and all other modalities you may currently be offering to clients.

Read full details of the Accredited Practitioner Internship
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   1.  An Introductory Energy Session
2.  A Phase I session
3.  A Phase II session
4.  A Phase III session
5.  A Phase IV session
6.  A Phase I and II combination session
7.  A Phase III and IV combination session
8.  A Phase I and IV combination session
9.  A Distance Session

Please Note:
Personal Growth/Accredited Practitioner Training
for EMF Phases V-VIII ‘Masters in Practice’ and
EMF Phases IX-XII ‘Freedom in the Energy of Love’ is now available.


Questions & Answers

Please Note: The following Questions & Answers are STRICTLY COPYRIGHT – All Rights Reserved.
They are Debbie’s own personal answers to the most frequently asked questions
on her EMF Personal Growth & Accredited Practitioner Training Programs.

Q.  How long does the Personal Growth Program take?
The Personal Growth Program is a 6 day training.  This can be done over any time frame suitable for you  – see training schedule.

Q.  After I have completed the 6 day Personal Growth Program will I be Licenced to practice the EMF Balancing Technique® professionally?
A.  You will not be able to perform the technique professionally, use the trademark or represent yourself as an EMF Balancing Technique® practitioner, but you will be able to share and perform the work on friends and family.

Q.  How long does the full EMF Accredited Practitioner training take?
Six days for the Personal Growth Training (a prerequisite) and a further 3 months to 1 year at your own pace to complete the Accredited Practitioner Internship.

Q.  I want to experience the 6 day Personal Growth Program for my own personal growth. I do not wish to go on and do the Accredited Practitioner Internship. Do I have to?
A. No. The Personal Growth Program is complete within itself.  

Q. What is the cost of the Phase I-IV training?
A.  The cost for the 6-day Personal Growth Program is AUD990.00. 
The additional cost for the Accredited Practitioner Training (3-12 month Supervised Internship) is AUD$895.00. The total cost to become a fully Accredited EMF Practitioner for Phases I-IV is AUD$1885.00

Q. Will I need to come to Sydney to do the training?
A. Yes. Classes are held in Miranda, Sydney (minimum of 3 persons required).  For group training (minimum of 4 persons) I would consider travelling to other destinations within Australia. 

Q. My work is such that I can’t get away during the week. Is it possible to do the 6 day Personal Growth Program over three weekends?
A. Yes it is. The initial 6 day Personal Growth Program can be completed in any time frame suitable for you.

Q. I am a Reiki and Seichim master and also do colour and music therapy. Will EMF fit in with this work?
A. EMF will fit in beautifully with any healing or therapeutic work. EMF is used by Reiki Masters, Chiropractors, Spiritual Healers, Counsellors, Life Coaches, Corporate Trainers and any number of other holistic practitioners. It complements and augments any healing modality.

Q. After I complete the Accredited Practitioner Training Internship can I use EMF in my healing practice straight away?
A. Absolutely straight away – and with wonderful results.

Q. I’m jumping the gun a bit here, but after I complete the Accredited Practitioner Training, can I go on with you and do the Teacher training?
A. You most certainly can go on and do the Teachers training and I would encourage you to do so. Currently however, all EMF Teacher training is done by Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the originator of the EMF Balancing Technique®.

Q. Kryon said EMF is the top of the line of the healing modalities. Is this true?
A. There is simply no ‘best’ overall healing modality. However, for those on the spiritual growth path and moving into a higher vibration – and there are a great many, the EMF Balancing Technique® is at the very top of the line – unquestionably.

Q. How effective is EMF for physical healing?
A. Ultimately, it is true to say that EMF is one of the most effective healing modalities that exist. However, in some cases other modalities such as “hands-on” healing may initially be more effective. It all depends on where the client is along the spiritual growth/awakening path.

Q. Can anyone learn to do EMF or is some healing experience necessary first?
A. EMF is very much like the job add… “no experience necessary.” Some of the very finest practitioners have had absolutely no previous experience with healing or energy work. It really has nothing to do with what you have or haven’t done or been before. It’s all to do with who you are and what your passion is NOW. However, it is desirable that you personally experience both the Phase I and II treatments for yourself prior to commencing the training.

Q. What about self-healing? Is it possible?
A. Ultimately, all healing is self-healing. However, we’ll let Kryon have the last word here… “The ones who can heal themselves are the ones who vibrate at a high level, the ones who understand that consciousness can change physics.”

I leave myself
to know myself
~ Debbie

For all enquiries contact Debbie Morris M.N.F.H.

 Miranda, NSW, Australia

Ph:  0414 283 410
Int: +61 414 283 410

Copyright 2002 - 2025